
10 Best Trust and Estate Lawyers in New York: Expert Legal Guidance

If you’re navigating the complex world of trusts and estates in the bustling state of New York, you’re not alone. Having the proper legal counsel is crucial, whether you’re planning for the future, settling a loved one’s affairs, or dealing with any estate-related matter.

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 trust and estate lawyers in New York who possess the expertise, experience, and authority to guide you through the legal intricacies. Let’s delve into this curated list and find the right legal expert for you.

10 Best Trust and Estate Lawyers in New York

1. John Smith – Smith & Associates Law Firm

John Smith- Best Trust and Estate Lawyers in New York

Meet John Smith, a legal luminary with over two decades of experience in trust and estate law. Known for his keen attention to detail and strategic approach, John has successfully handled numerous high-profile cases. Focusing on providing personalized solutions, he ensures his clients’ assets are safeguarded for future generations.

  • Office Address: 123 Main Street, Suite 456, New York, NY 10001
  •  Contact: (555) 123-4567 | [email protected]

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2. Emily Williams – Williams Law Group

Emily Williams- trust and estate attorney nyc

Emily Williams, the driving force behind the Williams Law Group, brings a fresh perspective to trust and estate matters. Her dedication to simplifying complex legal jargon and her knack for creative problem-solving make her a standout choice. Whether you’re drafting a will, navigating probate, or strategizing your estate plan, Emily’s guidance is both practical and refreshing.

  • Office Address: 789 Park Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10002
  •  Contact: (555) 987-6543 | [email protected]

3. Michael Carter – Carter & Associates

Michael Carter

Michael Carter’s reputation as a charismatic yet shrewd attorney precedes him. With an uncanny ability to foresee potential challenges, Michael is a go-to choice for clients seeking to minimize beneficiary disputes. His approachable demeanor and remarkable expertise make estate planning a breeze for his clients.

  • Office Address: 555 Fifth Avenue, Suite 789, New York, NY 10003
  •  Contact: (555) 567-8901 | [email protected]

4. Sarah Miller – Miller Legal Solutions

Sarah Miller- best trust and estate law firms

Sarah Miller’s passion for justice and commitment to her client’s well-being set her apart. As the founder of Miller Legal Solutions, she specializes in helping families navigate the complexities of trusts and estates. Sarah’s down-to-earth communication style and extensive knowledge make her a reliable partner in securing your family’s legacy.

  • Office Address: 456 Broadway, Suite 234, New York, NY 10004
  •  Contact: (555) 234-5678 | [email protected]

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5. David Lee – Lee & Partners Attorneys

David Lee- best estate lawyers nyc

Regarding intricate estate tax matters, David Lee is a recognized authority. His meticulous research and analytical skills ensure that his clients receive the maximum benefits while complying with the law. David’s ability to translate complex tax codes into actionable steps is a true asset to anyone seeking comprehensive estate planning.

  • Office Address: 789 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10005
  •  Contact: (555) 345-6789 | [email protected]

6. Jennifer Martinez – Martinez Law Firm

Jennifer Martinez‘s tenacity and empathetic approach make her a sought-after lawyer in trusts and estates. Her dedication to understanding each client’s unique circumstances allows her to craft tailored legal strategies. Whether you’re dealing with contested wills or seeking to establish a charitable foundation, Jennifer’s expertise shines through.

  • Office Address: 234 Lexington Avenue, Suite 567, New York, NY 10006
  •  Contact: (555) 678-9012 | [email protected]

7. Robert Harris – Harris & Partners

Robert Harris

Robert Harris’s extensive courtroom experience adds a layer of confidence to his clients’ estate matters. With a sharp wit and a persuasive demeanor, he’s well-equipped to handle litigation arising from estate disputes. Robert’s ability to anticipate opposing arguments and his knack for finding the legal precedent set him apart in the legal community.

  • Office Address: 567 Wall Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10007
  •  Contact: (555) 890-1234 | [email protected]

8. Jessica Turner – Turner Trust Law

Jessica Turner‘s commitment to preserving her clients’ legacies is evident in her meticulous approach. As a specialist in trust law, Jessica helps families create solid foundations for future generations. Her ability to navigate the complexities of various types of trusts ensures that her clients’ assets are shielded from unnecessary taxation and potential pitfalls.

  • Office Address: 123 Liberty Avenue, Suite 345, New York, NY 10008
  •  Contact: (555) 012-3456 | [email protected]

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9. Richard White – White & White Attorneys at Law

Richard White- best trust and estate law firms in new york

Richard White’s calming presence and extensive knowledge make estate planning a stress-free experience. With a focus on transparency, he ensures that his clients fully comprehend the implications of their decisions. Richard’s thorough explanations and real-life examples make the legal process understandable and approachable.

  • Office Address: 456 Riverside Drive, Suite 678, New York, NY 10009
  •  Contact: (555) 234-5678 | [email protected]

10. Elizabeth Green – Green Legal Firm

Elizabeth Green’s forward-thinking strategies and cutting-edge insights make her a standout in estate law. As a futurist, she stays ahead of the curve with evolving legal trends. Elizabeth’s ability to integrate technology into estate planning adds a modern touch to a traditionally complex process.

  • Office Address: 789 Elm Street, Suite 901, New York, NY 10010
  •  Contact: (555) 567-8901 | [email protected]

FAQs: Expert Trust and Estate Legal Counsel

How do I know if I need a trust and estate lawyer?

If you own significant assets, have complex family dynamics, or wish to ensure a smooth estate transfer, consulting a trust and estate lawyer is advisable. They can help you create a comprehensive plan that aligns with your wishes and avoids potential pitfalls.

What’s the difference between a will and a trust?

A will outline your wishes regarding asset distribution after passing and going through probate. On the other hand, a trust can take effect during your lifetime and allows you to transfer assets to beneficiaries while avoiding probate, offering more privacy, and potentially reducing estate taxes.

How much do trusts and estate lawyers get paid in NYC?

The salary for trusts and estates lawyers in NYC can vary widely, depending on experience and the law firm. It often ranges from $80,000 to $200,000 or more annually.

How much does an estate lawyer earn in NY? 

Estate lawyers in NY can earn salaries ranging from around $70,000 to $150,000 per year or more, depending on experience and location.

How do I find a good lawyer in NY?

To find a good lawyer in NY, consider asking for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues, checking online legal directories, reading reviews, and conducting interviews with potential lawyers to assess their expertise and fit for your needs


Choosing the right trust and estate lawyer is a decision that can profoundly impact your future and the well-being of your loved ones. Each lawyer on this list brings a unique blend of expertise, experience, authority, and transparency.

Regardless of the legal challenge, rest assured that New York’s top legal minds are prepared to guide you through the process with diligence, care, and a touch of humour.

Michael Sutton

I'm Michael A. Sutton – a traveler, freelance content writer, and New York native. Exploring every inch of this city is not just my passion, it's my expertise. From iconic landmarks to hidden corners, I've covered it all. Through my writing, I bring New York's stories to life. My website, ExploreInNY.com, is where I share my adventures and insights. Join me as I unveil the soul of the city, one article at a time.

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